This video, the second horror trip film from RagnarRox, is conveniently titled - The Zombie. It covers a range of different topics from the origins of Zombies, to their rise in modern day culture. It's nothing outlandishly new or perverse but does serve as a marvellous introduction to the world of the dead. One concept I did find fascinating was the idea that Zombies are not the creatures of horror and darkness they once were, instead only being a catalyst to show the horrors, and often brutal nature, of man. I would definitely agree with this statement, to some degree. While I don't think Zombies have lost their bite - the recent movie The Dead 2 shows this vividly - intelligent human hostiles and other living survivors of a Zombie apocalypse are often vastly more dangerous than the living dead. Perhaps, it is best summed up by this mantra from The Walking Dead; Fight the dead | Fear the living.
This video, the second horror trip film from RagnarRox, is conveniently titled - The Zombie. It covers a range of different topics from the origins of Zombies, to their rise in modern day culture. It's nothing outlandishly new or perverse but does serve as a marvellous introduction to the world of the dead. One concept I did find fascinating was the idea that Zombies are not the creatures of horror and darkness they once were, instead only being a catalyst to show the horrors, and often brutal nature, of man. I would definitely agree with this statement, to some degree. While I don't think Zombies have lost their bite - the recent movie The Dead 2 shows this vividly - intelligent human hostiles and other living survivors of a Zombie apocalypse are often vastly more dangerous than the living dead. Perhaps, it is best summed up by this mantra from The Walking Dead; Fight the dead | Fear the living.