In the Warhammer 40,000 universe there is a particular brand of Zombie plague, created and spread by the forces of Chaos, known as the Curse of Unbelief. In this incredibly detailed image, an Imperial Guard Captain squares off against infected guardsmen, a look of stalwart determination on his face as he fires his bolter into their corrupted flesh. For more on the dreaded Curse of Unbelief, go to the wiki page.
In the Warhammer 40,000 universe there is a particular brand of Zombie plague, created and spread by the forces of Chaos, known as the Curse of Unbelief. In this incredibly detailed image, an Imperial Guard Captain squares off against infected guardsmen, a look of stalwart determination on his face as he fires his bolter into their corrupted flesh. For more on the dreaded Curse of Unbelief, go to the wiki page.