Lifeless Zombies roam the human world in this comedy, devoid of all emotion, shambling around with no care or purpose, doomed to become the brutal, mindless, frenzied skeleton-like "Bonies" when their flesh decays significantly. One unusual Zombie retains some menial thought-capability and when he saves a still-living girl from a Zombie attack, their love blossoms. Death may have taken the Zombie's souls but love, will bring them back...
This movie is both highly unusual and perfectly watchable - in fact I would recommend it. It may not have the laugh out loud moments of other Zombie comedies, notably Shaun of the Dead, though it is extremely light-hearted and entertaining. Minor mistakes in the filming (a car being wrecked at one point and not wrecked a few minutes later) may frustrate some viewers. Still, managing to portray Zombies as almost "the good guys" is a wondrous feat that really must be seen by anyone with a interest in the undead. What really stands out about this movie is that it is all told through the eyes of the Zombie called "R" - a much needed twist for the somewhat stale Zombie genre.