In this direct continuation to the awe-inspiring first season, the player now takes on the role of Clementine - the young girl formerly under the protection of Lee Everett. The action - which there is more of this time round due to an increased number of Zombies - reflects the new character marvellously, focusing on avoiding undead blows with speed and agility rather than attacking with brute force. Again released in five episodes, you are faced with difficult decisions, moral dilemmas and impossible situations in each one. Your solutions to these decision-based puzzles influence the later events of the story - what will your Clementine be?
Season Two continues the wonderful and epic story set by the first game. After protecting Clementine for so long as Lee Everett, training her for survival in the new hostile, Zombie-infested world, finally being able to continue her story now Lee is gone is awesome. You feel a fatherly sense of ownership and pride which increase right up until the end of episode five. There are some truly sublime moments in the second season, notably Telltale's take on the iconic Governor from the comic books - William Carver. While I'm glad to see more up-close action with the relentless undead, I just don't think the second Walking Dead game from Telltale Games matches the biblical quality of the first. The story just seems a little too tight this time, too focused on Clementine's survival. There is a group dynamic but you never really feel in control of that group, ultimately deciding their salvation or fate. Still, this is the greatest Zombie game of 2014 (so far) and if you were amazed by the first game, Season Two is basically a must-buy.
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