What would law enforcement do in the beginning of a Zombie uprising? Zombie CSU offers the answer to that question, interspersing the emergency response guide with a healthy dose of humour. Puzzle over scenarios where a Zombie or a group of Zombies are the perpetrators of a crime. Learn what evidence to look for and how to begin analysing it, creating your own "murder book". See how medical science pros would probe felled Zombies for forensic clues. Finally, read about how psychology skills can be used to develop a perp profile of the living dead.
This is kind of an odd one. It would appear, judging from the book's cover and the official description, to be pure comedy (and some of the book strays dangerously close to the realm of utter fabrication) but the writer does an excellent job of keeping a serious tone throughout the book. However, it is a bit heavy and fast on the details for my liking, not really explaining major points, making the book quiet difficult to follow.