Zombies and the Corona Virus

Zombies and the Corona Virus

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Zombies and the Corona Virus


With the world on the brink of a truly global, viral epidemic, just be glad that when victims of the dreaded Corona virus die, they don't come back; the authorities are struggling enough as it is, ravenous ghouls roaming the streets are neither needed nor wanted. This image does a good job of showing what such a hellscape might be like; cities abandoned, vehicles left to rust in unused roads, litter ruining whatever beauty is left in the world and only a few Zombies patrolling the streets, endlessly, stupidly, looking for their next meal - the majority of the hordes being trapped inside the buildings that the living thought would protect them, turned from concrete islands of safety into spacious, lifeless prisons, their occupants existing in murderous isolation for all eternity, lacking the reasoning power or motivation to escape their self-made tombs. Stay safe out there, fans of the dead.


With the world on the brink of a truly global, viral epidemic, just be glad that when victims of the dreaded Corona virus die, they don't come back; the authorities are struggling enough as it is, ravenous ghouls roaming the streets are neither needed nor wanted. This image does a good job of showing what such a hellscape might be like; cities abandoned, vehicles left to rust in unused roads, litter ruining whatever beauty is left in the world and only a few Zombies patrolling the streets, endlessly, stupidly, looking for their next meal - the majority of the hordes being trapped inside the buildings that the living thought would protect them, turned from concrete islands of safety into spacious, lifeless prisons, their occupants existing in murderous isolation for all eternity, lacking the reasoning power or motivation to escape their self-made tombs. Stay safe out there, fans of the dead.

Made with Kompozer

The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from


The Dead Times © Tom Clark 2013 onwards

Made with Kompozer

'Universal Fruitcake' font sourced from